Rev. Dr. Edward W. Dorn, Th.D, Pastor Emeritus 


Rev. Edward W. Dorn, retired August 11, 2013 after 35 years
As the Pastor of the 
Second Baptist Church of Pedricktown, NJ

A native of Vineland, New Jersey and has been faithful to his calling as a servant of God. He attended school in Philadelphia and graduated from the Ben Franklin High School. After graduating he attended the Pennsylvania Baptist School of Christian Education in Pittsburgh, PA. He also attended Gloucester County College and Glassboro State College, majoring in Industrial Psychology and received his Doctor of Ministry and Doctor of Theology Degrees in 1989. His doctoral theses was entitled, "The Challenge of the Church In This Contemporary Age."

In June of 1960, he married his longtime sweetheart, Charlotte Evans and from this union two children were born, Sharon and Edward. Among his favorite pastimes is spoiling his six grandchildren and spending time with his many loyal and supportive friends and family. His son-in-law, Gordon Bell and his daughter-in-law Tiwanda Dorn add an extra dimension to his extended family. Among his greatest inspirations were his mother and stepfather who raised him and who are now both deceased. 

After serving in the US Army in Wuriburg, Germany, he was employed by SEPTA of Philadelphia, where he began as a trolley driver and retired as District Superintendent in 1986. In August 1977, he began his pastorate with the Second Baptist Church of Pedricktown, NJ, where he has served for 33 years. This union of pastor and pew has been a loving relationship and together they have accomplished much, including the building of a new church edifice, as well as a new church parsonage. With God's help in 2007 they Edward W. Dorn Commuty Center will built, a new all-purpose building. Among Reverend Dorn's many achievements are:

Minister of the Year for Gloucester & Salem County NAACP 

Minister of the Year for Laymen's Dept. of GBSC of New Jersey 

Alumnus of the Year of Covington Theological Seminary, 1991

Mason of the Year Mount Leanon Lodge #9 MWPH of PD PHA

Hosted Vice President Al Gore during his tour of New Jersey

Chairman of Political Action Committee 

Bethany Baptist Association

Chairman of the Black Ministers Council Woodbury and Vicinity 

Past Moderator of the Bethany Baptist Association

Past President of the Ministers Council of Woodbury and Vicinity 

Past President of Ebenezar Missionary Baptist Union

Past Master, Mount Lebanon #9, MWPHGL of PA, PHA 

Executive Board, Black Ministers Conference of NJ

Executive Board, Foreign Mission Board of National Baptist Convention USA, Inc.

Former President, E.O.F. Advisory Board Gloucester County College

Former Member, Work First Committee of Gloucester County 

Commissioner, Delaware River & Bay Authority

Former Member, STS LCTAC Board of Gloucester County 

Chaplain, VISCOP - Visually Impaired

Chaplain, Shady Lane Nursing Home

Pastoral Care Dept. of Salem Memorial Hospital 

Certified Teacher for NBC USA, Inc. 

Former Recording Secretary for Moderator Dept., NBC USA, Inc. 

Prison Ministry, Salem Correctional Facility 

Trustee, Salem Memorial Hospital Board Member, GASCAP 

Chairman of the Board of Directors - Calvary Community Development Corporation

                                   P.O. Box 74 - Pedricktown, New Jersey 08067 - Phone: (856) 299-5144 - Fax: (856) 299-3551